ISSN 1004-6879

CN 13-1154/R

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The Study on the Relationship between Abdominal Obesity and Climacteric Syndromes in Perimenopausal Women with Normal Body Weight
TAO Jing, ZHAO Gui-jun, YAN Ye-hua, CUI Li-mei, JU Rui
Abstract31)      PDF (5390KB)(7)      
Objective The purpose of this research is to analyze the presence of climacteric syndromes in perimenopausal women with normal body weight and varying waist hip ratios (WHR). Furthermore, the investigation will explore the connection between abdominal obesity and climacteric syndromes in this group. Methods According to the 2011 stages of the Reproductive Ageing Workshop (STRAW+10), this study was conducted among 335 perimenopausal women who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and admitted to the departmem of Endocrinology and the Department of Gynecology, Beijing ChuiYangLiu Hospital from June 2018 to June 2019. According to WHR, these women were divided into normal group (group A) and abdominal obesity group (group B). The modified Kupperman Index was used to evaluate climacteric syndromes, an examination of the total score and scores of each dimension of KMI between the two groups was conducted.. The correlation between WHR and the KMI scores, as well as each dimension score, was evaluated by Pearson correlation analysis. Results The scores of KMI, hot flashes, sensory disturbance, insomnia in group B were significantly higher than those in group A (P<0.05). WHR was positively correlated with the scores of KMI hot flashes, sensory disturbance and insomnia (P<0.05). Conclusion This study reveals that abdominal obesity in perimenopausal women were positively correlated with the severity of climacteric syndrome. It is imperative that clinicians give weight management education and tailored health guidance to women in their daily practice.
2023, 40 (5): 381-384.